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Hello There, Lemuel!

What a beautiful day, summer is finally here! So happy that I can now do my laundry whenever I please because it's sunny all day, every day! How is your summer situation? I've been pretty packed these past weeks that I could not gather my thoughts to write a decent post. There have been so many ganaps I don't know where to begin!

I guess I'll start with our road-trip to Dolores and me having a new child - godchild.

A month ago, Jerald, a high school batch-mate, asked me to be his firstborn's ninang. We were not really close back in the day and only connected not too long ago. But there was sweetness and sincerity in his invitation so I said yes instantly. He also added some of my closest batch-mates which made me all the more excited!

The christening took place at St. Joachim Parish Church in Dolores, E. Samar which is about 45 minutes away from here. Since our car was still at the mechanic, I hitched a motorcycle ride with my best friend, Lorelei. We left at around 10 AM, covered in caps and long sleeves. But here's a funny story before I go on:

A day before the event date, the invitations were given to Kenn. She called everyone to inform us of the time and venue of the event. Now, my best friend Shan is known to be always late. To prevent this, Kenn deliberately changed the time in Shan's invitation to 9 AM, 2 hours earlier than the real time. When Kenn gave it to her, she complained about how early it was, but the former kept quiet.

The following day, Shan called me at around 8 AM telling me how Angie has yet to take a bath, that she was all prepped up and that we were going to be late. I was biting my lips the entire conversation to stop myself from laughing out loud! I immediately phoned Kenn and burst into laughter! It was mean but really, really, funny. For the first time, Shan was very, very on time. 😂

When we reached the venue, we decided to buy a cake for our godchild. We did not bring any present with us for safe travels. What we did not consider though was what if we don't find one? Luckily, a small bakeshop still had a few cheap cakes on display. It took us a minute or two to finalize what will be written on top of the cake as it was also Jerald's birthday. Later on, we agreed to just address it for baby Lemuel because we love him more. Kidding. The cake was quite small that it could not accommodate "Happy Christening Baby Lemuel and Happy Birthday Jerald!" LOL. We also did not have enough money to buy another cake. Ang hassle maging poor, bes! Haha

Jerald and his family were already at the church when we got back. It was my first time to meet his wife and my inaanak. We went inside and the ceremony led by Father Philip Campomanes began shortly thereafter.

The reception was held in the next municipality, Can-Avid. Others went ahead while Lornts and I checked out some rider stuff at the market. She wanted to buy a pair of gloves for a better grip. When we got to the highway, we were surprised to see Shan and Owen behind us for we thought we were the last ones.

While approaching a barangay which name I'd forgotten, I saw a boy dribbling his ball on the side of the road across a covered court. Owen overtook us and suddenly the boy ran after his ball which dropped and rolled to our side of the road. I clenched unto Lornts shoulder as I saw Owen almost hit the boy and their motorcycle wiggle. They were going to crash! Fortunately, Owen still managed to control the bike and avoided a deadly accident! We were so mad that I shouted to the teenager to play inside the covered court and not on the road! 😠

I was still a bit shaking when we arrived to Jerald's place. I just got out from an accident and I wasn't ready to witness another one. We told our friends what happened and I saw how terrified Shan was. Nonetheless, we maintained a jovial mood to celebrate our godchild's name day.

We ate, drank, sang, and had fun! The Barsanas was such a hospitable family, it felt like we were just in our hometown with our homies (CHAROT NG HOMIES). So much delicious food and non-stop videoke. Sad though that some of our friends/godparents could not join us in this occasion. It would have been triple the craziness!

At around 4 PM, we bid goodbye and drove back home. This was my most favorite part! We were convoying when it started to drizzle. We knew it was going to pour but we ignored a waiting shed and drove past it. When it finally rained, we could not find a shelter so we ended up huddling under a paper tree. We could not stop laughing at our sheer stupidity! And we did this not only once or twice. Haha. But stupid actions make for good stories. 😁

Lemuel is probably my 13th or 14th godchild, I lost track. I hope to be a good role model for him and I pray that he grows up to be a happy, kind, and God-fearing boy. Wag ng iyak, baby. You've got the coolest ninongs/ninangs ever!

Thank you again, Barsanas! ❤
