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Showing posts from April, 2018

Life So Far

In two days the results of the 2017 Bar Examinations will be released. On May 3rd, it will be a year since ours were posted. A year since my life made a huge turn.  I've been trying to write about the whole Bar experience but I still can't organize my thoughts. Too many memories come and go, and sometimes, I am left with nothing. At all. Though I did write drafts of other stories that I'd like to keep here. A birthday post. A latest project post. A post about the danger of not giving a f uc k. But I've deleted all of them, just now. I don't know 😕 Have you ever had that? That moment when you are dying to tell someone about these amazing things happening in your life but for some reason you just can't?  So I'll just sum it up: life has been good, so far.