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Work & Women

I just realized that I haven't posted anything about work recently. Actually, I don't think I have shared anything interesting about my job at all! LOL

So anyway, we all know how important March is for every equality-loving individual. This month, we celebrate women of all shapes and sizes, regardless of their opinions or social status. We focus on their achievements and contributions, as well as shed light on their continuing struggles in the face of various issues and challenges.

Of course, when we say all women, we mean ALL — including those who are deprived of liberty. To honor this month in our own little way, our office opted to conduct an outreach activity by visiting all the female PDLs in the city. We prepared hygiene kits and some snacks for them to enjoy. We would have wanted to hear more from them but sadly, the BJMP still does not allow visitors in their jail facilities. So we just took pictures from outside as they pass the kits around.

The persons deprived of liberty or PDLs are some of the most neglected sectors in our society. Being detainees, they are cut off from the rest of the world. They cannot exercise all their rights. They cannot possess more than their clothes on their backs. They have been judged the moment their names were uttered. It is especially hard for women PDLs who are mothers as they do not get to see their children grow. A lot of them never really get to do anything for themselves, but wait patiently for the day they are set free. 

After we distributed our little packages, we conducted legal consultation with our clients in the Calbayog City Police Station. We updated them with their cases and answered their other concerns. Personally, I'd say it was definitely a productive day. I just hope this crisis ends sooner so we can talk to our detained clients properly. 

To my fellow women, may we all rise above everyone's expectations and stand strong against discrimination in work or otherwise. May we serve our communities with grace and compassion. May we make things happen, how we want them to happen. We are strong, we are capable. We are women, after all! 


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