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Handcraft Memories

I just resigned from my job and it took effect yesterday, December1st.

During my last day at work, I went around and took a few photos of my workplace. I drove twice a day for 6 months but never really took pictures while there. Come to think of it, I rarely shoot things and events na. And when I do, I usually just keep it and not post any on the internet.

I was as an administrative aide, a records custodian, at Alugan National School of Craftsmanship and Home Industries (ANSCHI), a high school located at a barangay outside our town. I kept the students' permanent records, report cards, diplomas and the like. When students decide to transfer in or out, I make sure they have the documents they need. I also did other clerical tasks when necessary.

The job was easy. Most days, I did nothing. Some days, I was swamped. When I'd get bored, I'd go around and talk to my co-workers. I spent a lot of time in the canteen helping the persons on duty ─ sell snacks, make bags of ice water, clean the place, scold the slackers who like to hang near the store to go to their classes or freshen up, and yes, eat a lot! When the harvests from the trees or crops in the campus are delivered, we'd sometimes go to the kitchen and cook whatever we can with the ingredients available. A lot of hearty meals in the old property room turned kitchen and dining area were shared during my short stay in the institution and much, much stories, too!


What I like most about working there was the people, especially the staff. Most of them were warm and really friendly, I never felt like an outsider. I instantly clicked with them - Ma'am Tots in particular. She helped me go around things and was truly patient with me. The staff shared whatever they had as if they'd known me for a long time. Definitely, they've become a family.

I initially applied for a teaching position at my alma mater but was rejected, same with dozen other agencies. It was only in ANSCHI where I was welcomed with arms wide open. My appointment has long been approved when the Bar exam results were released, though I found out about it only in May. I was going to resign on my first day of work to practice law but I gave it a try, thankful for the opportunity I was given. Besides, I needed to earn money na. Hehe. 

I never thought I'd be employed in ANSCHI as well as enjoy my time there. I am so grateful to all of them, for accepting who I am and being kind and understanding all throughout. I have been thinking a lot about my experience there so I won't forget.

I did not say my proper goodbyes to everyone. Ma'am Sue told me that she literally dreamed of a send-off party for me! But I really just wanted to go as quietly as possible. That said, I loved my days there. My ANSCHI family will always have a special place in my heart.


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